Friday, March 10, 2006

I hate Parade Day

Yes, you read that right. I hate it. I consider myself a very Irish person, of well-documented Irish descent. I take tremendous pride in my Irish heritage, and that is why I really hate the events that surround the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade. It has nothing to do with being an Irish celebration, rather just another excuse to become drunk and idiotic, then do ridiculously stupid things, and blame it on the parade. Much like the AOH's Irish 2000 Festival, the semblance to anything of Celtic pride has long been gone.
I hear a lot of people talk about how they "cant wait" for parade day....why? So you can go be a public ass? I mean, there are some good old timers that enjoy the day, post up at Duffy's or some other place, and enjoy the day.....thats fine. But, when the "Bayou Cafe" starts celebrating the Parade, well...I never knew New Orleans to be the hotbed of Irish culture. And when I see pictures like the guys below....well, where are their people from? What county did you say?
This is why I'll be nestled away, watching the Albany game, and not involving myself with this madness.....and certainly not drinking an Amstel Light on St. Patrick's Day!


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